My Mad Chocolate Christmas Cake for @askmollybeauty !

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Last week I saw a tweet from @askmollybeauty saying that she needed an “over the top” Christmas chocolate cake for one of her beauty features.

@askmollybeauty is a brave freelance journalist who, sadly, has to rely on the “free” part of freelance far too much! Like many of us she is trying to build her career but, as many of us find, you just cannot do that without offering and delivering free work to commercial operations. This is just not acceptable but that argument will have to wait for another day as now we are back to Molly’s wonderful request.

I saw Molly’s tweet and thought, no, there are loads of cake bakers who can do far better than me but still with the tingle of temptation I tweeted her back – I got a response! I madly Googled “Chocolate Christmas Cakes” and found nothing, so I did a quick sketch of what seemed like the ideal design to me, sent it and the response was WOW. Oh goodness, now I was committed, it was fabulous, what a brilliant challenge! I had a week, so, in between my other work as a web designer, coding for S3 Web Design, I did a quick trial run and then, hey presto the end result had to be produced and here it is as you can see on the right.

Molly is donating the cake to MacMillan in Brentwood who are having a Fete this Saturday.


Comments: 4

  1. michelle ward December 4, 2013 at 10:08 am Reply

    That cake looks amazing, Molly said it was fabulous. xxx

    • Crazy Granny December 4, 2013 at 10:52 am Reply

      Thank you x

  2. Mike November 27, 2013 at 9:12 am Reply

    That cake looks fantastic! You are very talented. How did the photoshoot go? Is there anywhere we can see it “in action”? Do you know how much it raised for MacMillan?

    • Crazy Granny November 27, 2013 at 12:51 pm Reply

      Thank you! The cake will be in the Ask Molly gift section in this weeks Chronicle and Gazette.

      The cake raised £75 for Marillac in Brentwood so I was very pleased.

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